Ramblings from The Tub Lady — DIY
Breakfast Bar!
Posted by The Tub Lady on
Sometimes I wish my home had fewer walls, I would love for it to be more open and inviting. The dinning room and living room are one big room, but sadly there is a wall between my kitchen and dinning room. Lately I have been digging around looking for ideas how to change that- we just remodeled the kitchen so I am sure my husband won't be as excited as I was over this fantastic guide I have found on adding a breakfast bar to the house! It would solve If you are thinking of adding a Breakfast Bar you...
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- Tags: Breakfast Bar, DIY, Home Wish List
Shiplap Dreams?
Posted by The Tub Lady on
Breaking News: Your shiplap dreams have come true! We have all done it, come across and idea and think I can do that in a weekend! Then we start it and it takes weeks longer than it should or you planned for it to! In m house this happens all the time mostly because my husband over builds EVERYTHING! I love this idea and will be doing it in the boys bathroom when we build! -The Tub Lady
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- Tags: DIY, Shiplap, Shiplap Dreams
DIY Shelves That You Can Actually Build Yourself
Posted by The Tub Lady on
I am as guilty as the next person for trying new things and failing. I am always looking for new easy things to try, something I will not fail at! I came across this how to guide on 10 DIY Shelves That You Can Actually Build! I was so excited I just had to share with you! The best part is some of them you only need a power drill for, this is great news for me as I hate to use some tools! What DYI Shelves have you done? The Tub Lady!
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- Tags: Christmas, DIY, how to guide, Vintage
Pretty DIY Decorative Letter Ideas & Tutorials
Posted by The Tub Lady on
With fall in full swing, many of us are staying home more. I find myself overly bored this time of year. If you are having that same issue how about spending your time making great crafts that would make wonderful Christmas gifts! To me that is a huge WIN, keep busy and work on Christmas! Here are over twenty Fabulous Decorative Letter Ideas! What great Letter Projects have you done?
How to Clean Your Home for Fall!
Posted by The Tub Lady on
I see Monday has found us again, I noticed this weekend it is time to get my fall cleaning done. So of course this morning I was thinking I need a plan of action for this coming weekend! I found this great blog to help me achieve just that! Are you ready for your fall cleaning or are you a step a head of me and already done! The Tub Lady!