Ramblings from The Tub Lady — back to school specials
School Daze
Posted by The Tub Lady on
The house is empty this morning, School Day's have returned. I said to someone yesterday I didn't feel like they had really been out of school this summer becasue of being there so much for football and weights. However this morning as I am alone in the house I no longer feel this way and wish for summer to return. I am almost in a daze - no one is going to pop in my office today to ask a question, or just chat while I work. I didn't cry the first day of school when they were younger -...
Back To School Time!
Posted by The Tub Lady on
Did your kids head back to school today? I keep seeing on Facebook back to school photos. We don't start for another 2.5 weeks thankfully! Of course Band and Football has started... it seems to me like summer is shorter every year. What excites you most about the kids heading back to school this time of year? The free time? The watching them grow and excel at new things? Watch for great back to school specials coming soon!