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Ramblings from The Tub Lady — Teens

Beauty Uses for an Empty Candle Jar

Posted by The Tub Lady on

Many of us have a box full of old candle jars, and we know one day we will come across the prefect use for them. Well, ladies today is your lucky day! Here are seven great ideas for up-cycling your old candle jars into something great for your bathroom! I love that they even tell you how to clean the jars out! Share your old jar projects with us!

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Puppy Love

Posted by The Tub Lady on

I have heard that term all of my life, but never truly understood it until the last few weeks. Oh sure I know about "teenage puppy love" I have two teenage boys, and at times I think dealing with puppy love with them, is far harder than my daughters ever was. However, this 'Puppy Love" isn't the same at all. My husband and I have always been very against having an indoor pet. A few weeks ago I was at a make up home party and a good friend told me she had some puppies to give away. The bread...

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Stop doing these 8 things for your Teen...

Posted by The Tub Lady on

I read a blog post a few days "Stop doing these 8 things for your Teen this School Year" and I can't get it off my mind. Many of these things my husband and I have talked about long before the post popped up on my time line. My best friend and I often joke that I am "that mom", or "mom of the year" because they have it so easy. We joke they must think there are magic elf's that come along behind them and clean up, do laundry and make sure all the little things are done. They...

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