Stop doing these 8 things for your Teen...
Posted by The Tub Lady on
I read a blog post a few days "Stop doing these 8 things for your Teen this School Year" and I can't get it off my mind. Many of these things my husband and I have talked about long before the post popped up on my time line. My best friend and I often joke that I am "that mom", or "mom of the year" because they have it so easy. We joke they must think there are magic elf's that come along behind them and clean up, do laundry and make sure all the little things are done. They have no idea honestly how much work I put into making their lives 'easy".
My Boys are almost 16 and almost 14, on all accounts are spoiled not so much with things but by the things I do for them. They are busy with school, some days they are dropped off about 7:00am and if there is basketball/band it is 9:00PM before they return home. Needless to say often times chores are not given to them because they are busy, part of life is being busy I know.
Most of the time, I do all Eight of these things for my kids (and 80 more)! While I agree some of these things I need to back off a little. An I have (a little) just yesterday my youngest forget his wallet, but I didn't take it to him! (it was so hard to say NO). My husband has always said its a parents job to work themselves out of a job. He also says moms hold on, while dads push them out of the nest.
So this mom will stop, delivering forgotten items, waking them up, packing lunches, along with a few others on the list. One thing I will not stop doing is fixing them breakfast, no matter how much I feel like a short order cook in the mornings. When telling my better half this, he chuckled and said " your daughter-in-laws ma not like you very much one day". An that might be the case, but soon they will leave home. My mornings with them are numbered and I know it, so while I am raising them to be competent and capable adults. They are still my boys, and this mom will spoil them just a little longer with a few things.
This is my favorite photo ever of the us, taken late last year.
What do you do for your kids, that others see as spoiling?
The Tub Lady
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