Tools and Travel Apps That Make Working Remotely Work for You
Posted by The Tub Lady on
When this laded in my inbox today, I knew I had to share! We all know that working remote is a dream come true, for many of us work on the go has become a normal everyday thing. It's nothing for me to talk with a customer at all hours of the day or night, and I am not always at my desk when I do so.
I have sold tubs and vanities at Friday Night Football games, afternoon track meets and while waiting on a band performance. I have talked warranty, install and shipping issues all hours. Years ago I would have never dreamed of working like this, years ago it was an 8-6 desk job! Now with the ever changing face of technology it seems, like there is always an "App for That". Check out these fantastic FREE work on the go apps that are sure to make your life easier!
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