Thank You Teachers, Deal of the Week!
Posted by The Tub Lady on
I had a few teachers in all of my school years, who saw more in me than I did myself.
Mrs.Foutzs, was my 4th grade teacher, she would read to us after lunch. I loved being read to as a child, I still do as an adult. Many nights we read as a family, but that is another post!
Mrs. Jarboe who was my 5th grade teacher, taught me is was OK to ware glasses! She Cheered me on when I won a struggle, and put me in line when I needed it. I wasn't a troubled kid, just didn't have the best home life. I will never forget they Birthday Cakes she baked me even after I was no longer her student. I still from time to time see her husband around, but haven't seen her in many years.
7th and 8th Grade I had Mr.Niece for shop class...yes The Tub Lady took Shop! I loved it, mostly because I was the only girl and often times would end up doing the ordering, inventory and paper work for the teacher. Maybe it was a sign of what was a head for me in life. I did use the power tools, and still can be found in the shop from time to time with my husband.
In High School I had three teachers who went the extra mile. Ms. Dishaw has a few extra gray hairs because of me I am sure. By the time she got a hold of me I was a little hard to stand, I spent more time in the hall than in her class my Freshman year. She never gave up on me and by the end of the year she was my favorite teacher.
Mr. Duncan to this day would help repair anything I needed, and has many times in years past come to my rescue. I took his design class in High School, I loved reading blueprints then as much as I do now. He wanted me to be an Architect, I guess he saw I had great vision even then.
Lastly, but defiantly not least was Mrs.Whitledge she of all things was my language teacher, but taught me so much more. One project for her class making a brochure, I was working on a grocery store at the time so I had to do a 'New Employee' brochure. Years later the store still uses it, I think that is when I discovered my love for Marketing.
Each one of these teachers, instilled in me skills I still use to this day. My husband has always been amazed of the person I am and the skill sets I hold. I personally think The Good Lord put each of these people in my life so that I would become who I am today. Each of them are Christians, happenstance... I think not. Some of them I have lost track of over the years, and others I have reconnected with (Thank You Facebook!).
For all the teachers who have loved the unlovable, taught the hard heads, and saw something in us no one else took the time to THANK YOU. One way we here are saying Thank you is offering 5% off any Tub or Vanity order. Not just this week, or month but all year long! #ThanksTeach
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