Who Knew...
Posted by The Tub Lady on
Ah the weekend once again, the weather is beautiful here today. Fall is always offering new adventures, and blessings. Sometimes new lessons as well, today was a lesson day. For me this lesson was one that makes me smile, just a little bit... OK a lot.
So here is today's new lesson, try something new.
For years my husband and kids have loved and enjoyed Pork rinds for a snack. For years I have turned my nose at this snack. Today I was in the car with the husband and kids when we take a drive we often have to have road snacks. Top pick of course Pork rinds, so they all start trying to talk me into trying one, finally just to get them to stop I try one. Guess what I am in love... no kidding these things are amazing. That's right who knew?
Guess you can teach a Old Tub Lady new things!
What great snack have you finally gave in and tried?
-The Tub Lady
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